Chief director’s greetings We provide premier medical services by integrated the latest medical technology and Korean traditional medicine so that they act reciprocally to supplement each other creating a unity that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Lee Kang Il Chief Director of Nasaret Medical Foundation
Greetings. This is Lee Kang Il, the chief director of Nasaret Medical Foundation.
It has been said that: ‘the history of mankind is the history of diseases’.
Countless diseases have threatened human life ever since our ancestors first evolved, and medical scientists are continually researching to allow medicine also evolve to treat and prevent these diseases.
Humanity is constantly evolving through the process of overcoming and treating many diseases and medicine constantly strives to conquer more diseases.
Nasaret Medical Foundation provides premier medical services for our patients through integrating the latest medical technology and Korean traditional medicine’s 5,000-year history and extensive knowledge in such a way that they mutually reinforce each other.
To do so, we have expanded our basic infrastructure through installing advanced medical equipment, recruiting the best medical staff in Korea, etc. Furthermore, our staff here in Nasaret Foundation work with the pride of being members of the best hospital in Korea and are actively engaged in enhancing patient satisfaction through spreading compassion and kindness.
I hope you live long and healthy life with Nasaret Medical Foundation.
Greetings from the hospital director We will work to provide the world’s best medical service by offering authentic medical services through our integrated modern & Korean traditional medical system.

Lee Soon Ja Director of Nasaret International Hospital
Greetings, this is Lee Soon Ja, the director of Nasaret International Hospital, Nasaret Medical Foundation.
Nasaret Medical Foundation has its origins in Nasaret Clinic and Nasaret Korean Traditional Medicine Clinic established in 1981. Nasaret International Hospital has grown into Incheon’s (Korea) representative a general hospital as a result of its 30 years of extensive medical work; the establishment of Nasaret Medical Corporation and the opening of Nasaret Korean Traditional Medicine Hospital in 1994, the opening of Nasaret International Hospital in 2009 and being made the general hospital, etc.
We would like to thank you all for the continuous love and support you have shown us.
Nasaret offers a fully equipped one-stop medical system that enables patients to receive comprehensive medical treatments; expert checkups, emergency treatment & surgery and rehabilitative therapies through its 8 specialized centers; The Cerebrovascular Center, The Joint & Spine Center, The Gynecology & Pediatrics Center, The Emergency Medical Center, The Medical Examination Center, The Rehabilitation & Manual Therapy Center, The Korean Traditional Medicine Center and The Stem Cell Center.
Our Emergency Medical Center has established 24/7 emergency medical specialists’ standby system, offering a rapid response to stroke patients and diagnosing and treating emergency patients promptly and appropriately.
Furthermore, we have utilized the geographical advantage of our location near Incheon International Airport and Songdo International City to receive and treat international patients.
International patients from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Mongolia, etc. visit Nasaret International Hospital for treatment. We are proud to contribute to enhancing medical tourism in Korea by providing high quality medical services and increasing the patient satisfaction rate.
Nasaret Medical Foundation is a local community hospital and will continue to promote healthy living in our community through a variety of events to create a new medical culture. We will also continue to work to become the world’s leader in medical services through our integrated modern, Korean traditional and integrative functional medicine medical service system, beyond Incheon and the domestic medical service market. Thank you.