Spine Center

Spine Center

About the Spine Center / Procedural spine treatment / Surgical spine treatment / Korean traditional medical treatment

About the Spine Center

Through our modern-Korean traditional medical cooperation system we perform One Stop patient-centric medical services from diagnosis-procedure-surgery to rehabilitation.
The Nasaret International Hospital Spine Center diagnoses and treatments our body’s center, the spine and its associated spinal nerve diseases through careful examinations carried out by our professional medical staff, with extensive clinical experience in curing spinal diseases, who use outstanding diagnostic equipment to offer careful and accurate treatment.

Procedural Spine Treatment

Epiduroscopic discoplasty (annulus fibrosus)

A 3.4mm diameter ultra-small endoscope that can be used as a wheel to look directly at the inside of the vertebra and detect and diagnose damaged discs and the sources of pain and, at the same time, to cut painful nerves precisely with a laser and to restore the elasticity of loosened discs (annulus fibrosus).

  • 01 Local anesthesia, procedure time 30 min
  • 02 Minimal incision
  • 03 Minimal disc damage
  • 04 Selective & directly treats cause of pain
Kyphoplasty & Vertebroplasty

These are the fastest, safest, and most effective treatments for osteoporotic compression fractures. Under local anesthesia a needle is inserted and then the PMMA bone cement is injected directly or the surgeon inserts a special balloon first, restores the collapsed vertebral body to its original shape and then injects the PMMA bone cement.

  • 01 Local anesthesia, procedure time 30 min
  • 02 Immediate resolution of lumbago caused by compression fractures
  • 03 Minimal disc damage
  • 04 Able to walk soon after the procedure, discharge on the day of the surgery may be possible
Disc nucleoplasty

This is a minimally invasive discectomy using local anesthesia. It removes the disc nucleus by inserting a needle that radiates low-temperature high-frequency (plasma). This treatment reduces the size of a protruding disc resulting in decreased pressure in the disc and ultimately, eliminating pain.

  • 01 Local anesthesia, procedure time 20 min
  • 02 Accurate & safe procedure
  • 03 Minimal disc damage
  • 04 Short recovery time, discharge on the day of the surgery may be possible
Percutaneous epidural neurolysis / Epiduroscopy

Using a real-time imaging device (C-ARM), the surgeon directly surveys the lesion site and inserts a dilated catheter to remove the adhesions, cleanses the inflammatory substance, and injects anti-adhesion and anti-inflammatory medicines. The adhesions can be removed using a special balloon, and discectomy is possible too by using an epiduroscopy and a laser.

  • 01 Local anesthesia, procedure time 20 min
  • 02 Accurate & safe procedure
  • 03 Short recovery time, discharge on the day of the surgery may be possible

Surgical Spine treatment

Endoscopic Discectomy (neck, waist)

This surgery creates a small hole of 4mm diameter (neck) / 7mm (waist) in the skin then an epiduroscope is inserted to remove the intervertebral disc. This surgery can minimize the damage to the surrounding tissue.

  • 01 Minimal surgery scarring & tissue damage
  • 02 Quick recovery & return to daily life
  • 03 Local or site anesthesia
  • 04 Operation time approx. 30~40 min
Ultra Microscopic Discectomy (Neck, waist)

This is the most common and effective lumbar discectomy method, it uses a surgical ultra microscope to observe the affected area, then 2cm of skin is excised, this is followed by the removal of part of the spine and then the removal the intervertebral disc. The torn annulus fibrosus is sutured to aid a quick recovery and reduce recurrence.

  • 01 Definite discectomy and nervous pressure
  • 02 Minimized recurrence rate
  • 03 Non-general anesthesia: site anesthesia
  • 04 Operation time about 1 hour
Endoscope / Ultra Microscopic decompression (neck, waist)

This is a method that uses an endoscope or microscope to survey the affected area and remove the compressed nerves using only a laser and micro drill. Recovery after this treatment is quick as this surgery minimizes damage to the surrounding normal tissue.

  • 01 Sufficient neuro-decompression
  • 02 Minimal tissue damage
  • 03 Non-general anesthesia: site anesthesia
  • 04 Operation time about 1 hour
Arthroplasty (neck, waist)

By replacing the degenerated spinal disc with a prosthetic joint, it is possible to eliminate spinal pain as well as normalize the spine’s movements. Because it does not fix the spine, it does not leave any lesions or put pressure on the adjacent spinal areas.

  • 01 Normal spinal motion recovery
  • 02 No damage to the spine or surrounding muscles
  • 03 Relatively short operation time: about 1-2 hours
Minimally invasive spinal fixation-fusion

This method fixes a misaligned or unstable spine with a screw and by implanting bone in-between the spine bones. These can be approached from the posterior, the anterior or the lateral sides depending on the spinal disease. Special equipment and surgical techniques are used to minimize damage to the spinal nerves and the spinal and surrounding tissues.

  • 01 Definite spinal stabilization
  • 02 Minimized bleeding
  • 03 Minimized spine, muscular damage and damage to the surrounding areas
Endoscopic Vertebral Fixation-Fusion

This is new surgical technique for transplanting bones between vertebrae by applying special endoscopic equipment and surgical techniques to patients who cannot undergo general anesthesia or open surgery. The risks associated with open surgery can thus be avoided and injuries to the spinal nerves as well as spinal and vertebral tissues are minimized.

  • 01 Site anesthesia
  • 02 Sufficient spinal stabilization
  • 03 Minimized bleeding and damage
  • 04 Minimized damage to the spine & surrounding muscles

Non-surgical spine Treatment

Ligament Strengthening Injection

This injection therapy treats the fundamental cause of pain and resolves chronic pain by strengthening and renewing the weakened ligaments rather than working to temporarily relieve pain.

Subjects for this therapy
Ligament pain (facet joint treatment), spondylolisthesis & stenosis, disc, spondylolysis, scoliosis, etc.
Anti-neural adhesion injection

When the nerve and disc are attached, this anti-adhesion injection prevents them from sticking to each other and reduces pain by soothing the neuritis. The muscles under the control of the nerves relax and the blood circulation is smoothed.

Subjects for this treatment
Spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, disc, sciatica, etc
MBB (Medial Branch Block treatment)

This treatment is performed on the nerve responsible for the facet joints. It is an effective treatment softening the vertebral facet joints, smoothing waist movement, easing pain and enhancing the ability to exercise.

Subjects that can be treated
Degenerative, geriatric spinal disease, spondylolisthesis & stenosis, disc patients, etc.

Korean Traditional Medical Treatment

Cervical disc, cervical arthritis, lumbago, herniated disc, sciatica, lumbago caused by weakened kidneys, gore lumbago, lumbago caused by strains(挫閃腰痛), lumbar & cervical disc, spine sprains, spinal stenosis, scoliosis posture correction

Korean traditional medical treatment strengthens the weakened parts of the body and restores immunity and physical strength.

Based on the results of radiological surveys using the latest imaging techniques; X-ray, MRI, CT, and bone density, etc., the Korean traditional medicine specialist selects the appropriate treatment for each patient and treats the disease with acupuncture and Korean traditional herbal medicine.

Korean traditional herbal medicine at Nasaret International Hospital uses top grade, pure, natural medicinal herbs, accurately dispensed by Korean traditional medicine pharmacists and prepared under a hygienic system. Our pills are also carefully dispensed for our patients and so are highly efficacious.

Exercise Manual Therapy
  • Waist, neck discs
  • Lumbago /scoliosis
  • Posture and figure imbalance
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Constant pain even after basic physical therapies

This is a non-surgical treatment that can relieve pain and restore a normal body shape to aid the recovery from disease, by correcting it through treating and enhancing the muscles, joints and nerves that are damaged with the therapist’s manual treatment.

Chiropractic therapy

This is a rehabilitative orthodontic treatment device for applying chiropractic techniques (a treatment that applies strong pressure, briefly for multiple times) to spinal diseases and scoliosis.

Spiral MAX-D Decompression Movement Spine Traction Therapy

This treatment applies the principle of decompression while experiencing weightlessness with the principle of spiral motion for treating muscles and joints.


If the patient feels pain when bending or arching the waist, tie a rope around their body to induce security, let the patient repeat the action and help him/her not to feel pain. If this therapy is practiced repeatedly, the patient will feel less pain.
