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Nasaret International Hospital Receives 'Foreign Patients Attraction' Award [나사렛국제병원, ‘외국인환자 유치’ 표창]
- Date
- 2019.08.19
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- 1193
Nasaret International Hospital's Chairman Lee Kang-il received the 'Foreign Patients Attraction' award in 2018 from Incheon Metropolitan City.
Such certificate of merit that values attracting foreign patients is awarded to medical institutions that present good track record of attracting foreign patients and raising awareness to the Incheon Medical Tourism through various promotional activities.
Nasaret International Hospital has actively organized medical tourism briefings in Russia, Kazakhstan and Vietnam during the year to promote Incheon's Medical Tourism.
As a result of various projects, including medical tour officials' fame tours, business agreements with overseas hospitals, medical services, and operating booths at international conventions, the number of foreign patients have been growing by 20% every year.
Lee Kang-il, Chairman of the Nasaret International Hospital, said, “With this award, we will play a leading role in attracting foreign patients by enhancing the quality of medical technology and expanding the infrastructure for attracting foreign patients.”
Original Article:
Published [Jan 01, 2019 14:16]
Park Dae Jin
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