36 |
[A special feature CJ Hello Issue Talk] Corona 19, what is the proper way of handling Covid19? - Interviewee Kwon, Goo-jin, the director of Infection Control, Nasaret International Hospital.
관리자 |
2020.05.07 |
2400 |
35 |
"The New Cardiac Examination Equipment "CT Aquillion One" specialised in cardiac disorders, Nasaret International Hospital"
관리자 |
2020.01.02 |
2456 |
34 |
Not walking because your knee hurts can make it worse [무릎 아프다고 걷지 않으면 상태 더 악화]
관리자 |
2019.08.20 |
2753 |
33 |
Do not hesitate to slow down neurodegeneration through medication and exercise [신경세포 ‘퇴행 증세’ 늦추려면 약 복용 꺼리지 말고 운동 필수]
관리자 |
2019.08.20 |
2620 |
32 |
Ignoring numbing wrist pains can lead to 'paralysis' [찌릿찌릿 손목통증 방치하면 ‘마비’ 위험]
관리자 |
2019.08.20 |
1625 |
31 |
Vascular pain and skin ulcers can cause complications if untreated [일상생활에 문제 없다고 방치하다간 혈관통증·피부궤양 등 합병증 유발]
관리자 |
2019.08.20 |
1615 |
30 |
Stages of Degenerative Arthritis and its Treatment [퇴행성 관절염의 단계와 치료방법]
관리자 |
2019.08.20 |
1544 |
29 |
Healthy habits to fight chronic kidney disease? No smoking & alcohol, and be careful of fruit intake [만성콩팥병 맞설 건강한 습관은? 술·담배 삼가고 과일 섭취 ‘조심']
관리자 |
2019.08.20 |
1523 |
28 |
Constipation, abdominal pains, weight loss... ignoring them is a bad idea [변비·복통·체중 감소… 무심코 지내다 큰 병 놓친다]
관리자 |
2019.08.20 |
1571 |
27 |
If injured during physical activities, personalized treatment must be determined [운동하다 다치면 증상 따라 맞춤 치료법 찾아야]
관리자 |
2019.08.20 |
1666 |