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Bone density decreases everyday: Fight it with exercise [날로 줄어드는 골밀도, 맞춤 운동으로 다진다]
- Date
- 2019.08.20
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Article Published by KihoIlbo [2019 February 13]
Osteoporosis itself doesn't have any symptoms. Bone density tests can reveal lower density levels but it may not cause any discomfort. However, if osteoporosis is severe, even a slight fall can lead to fractures. Surgery for such fractures, and the time you spend lying down during recovery, are also factors that accelerate the progress of osteoporosis.
Our bones are composed of calcium and minerals, which are matured throughout adolescence and one's youth. Strong bones require good nutrition and proper exercise during adolescence. The matured bones then become weaker starting from the thirties. For women, bone density decreases especially during menopause. Most have the disease from genetic reasons, but consuming more caffeine and lack of exercise can speed up the progression of osteoporosis.
# Weight increasing exercise is effective
Weight increasing exercises make your bones stronger. Walking or running, that is, to keep one's weight on their bones, keeps bones strong to as it stimulates the bones. Walking around plains, parks, or treadmills is a great form of exercise. Weightless exercise, such as swimming, is a great exercise for improving cardiopulmonary endurance, but it is not very effective in terms of increasing bone density.
Once you're used to walking, you can combine your routine with strength training. Professional strength training requires professional guidance early on. But if you get used to using simple equipment, you will be able to do it yourself after a month or two. One of the reasons why strength training is important is because strength training requires that the core muscles are firm and that the muscles are strong so they do not lead to fractures when one falls or slips, that is, when a crisis occurs. You need healthy muscles to be safe from fractures.
Another good exercise is to increase your balance. Exercises with recreational elements, such as aerobics and zumba dancing, can be combined with aerobic and balance exercises. Such exercises are good for the whole body by improving one's sense of balance as it moves constantly, causing not only sweat but passion as well.
Any exercise is good. You must have fun to keep going. If you use walking as a basis for strength and balance exercises, you can also prevent osteoporosis-related fractures.
# Avoid a spine that leans forward
However, if you are already diagnosed with osteoporosis, there are exercises to be careful of. Avoid leaning your back too far during your workout. During yoga postures, the spine is rolled forward while leaning. The flexibility of spinal segments is very good for those with severe osteoporosis, but it can increase the risk of fractures.
Stretching the spine is more beneficial than bowing forward. Stretching is called an extension exercise, which prevents the spine from bending forward and has proven to be a safe and an effective exercise for osteoporosis patients.
Every exercise is done by inhaling and exhaling. Deep breathing also helps relax the muscles around the spine and throughout. You can also lie in bed comfortably and just lift your arms over your head. Another good stretching technique is to clasp your hands behind your head and push your elbows back.
Written with the help of Dr. Jung Tae Ho, Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine of Nasaret International Hospital, pictured above
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