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Himchan Hospital and Nasaret International Hospital selected for overseas expansion by Ministry of Welfare [부평힘찬병원·나사렛국제병원, 복지부 해외진출사업 선정]
- Date
- 2019.08.20
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The city of Incheon announced on the 20th that Bupyeong Himchan Hospital and Nasaret International Hospital were selected for the '2019 Overseas Hospital Expansion Project Program' supported by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
The two hospitals are now specialized in attracting foreign patients and promoting specialized medical technologies in Incheon.
Bupyeong Himchan Hospital, selected for the second consecutive year following last year, opened the 'Himchan Spine & Joint Center' at the University Hospital Sharjah in UAE last November.
In the latter half of this year, they will expand the scale by adding additional medical staff and personnel, and are planning to launch a new physical and rehabilitation treatment center of 300 pyeong. [approx. 992 sq.m]
Nasaret International Hospital is preparing to open a rehabilitation screening center in Fergana, Uzbekistan which combines medicine and oriental medicine. In addition, Uzbekistan's medical facilities and equipment will be upgraded to the latest state to attract foreign patients in the future.
Chung Yeon-yong, the head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said, “Thanks to Incheon's two hospitals, Incheon's excellent medical technology is widely known around the world.”
Original article by Im Tae Hwan
Incheon Ibo
2019 May 21
Incheon Ibo
2019 May 21
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