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'Emergency' while on vacation: Dr. Kim Moon Jae saves an unconscious passenger on board [휴가중에 '인술' … 기내서 의식 잃은 승객 살린 김문재 의사]

It was later known today that a doctor in Incheon rescued an unconscious passenger on board a flight. According to Nasaret International Hospital, on June 30, Dr. Kim Moon-jae, a doctor in the hospital's Nephrology Department, had just finished his vacation in the United States and took a flight back to Incheon. One hour into the flight, a flight attendant urged Dr. Kim who was taking a break. The crew asked for help, saying, "There was an emergency patient in the plane."

Immediately following the guidance of the crew, he ran to the patient who was an American man in his fifties, appearing aloof and dazed.

Dr. Kim confirmed that the passenger was a diabetic. The passenger's sugar levels increased suddenly due to the high temperatures in the cabin and the consumption of high sugar liquids such as fruit drinks. But the passenger accidentally sent the insulin along with the checked in baggage.

Dr. Kim began first aid with an in-flight emergency kit, lowering his blood sugar with fluids to help the patient find stability. The male passenger began to regain consciousness after supplying him with water

With the help of Dr. Kim, the passenger recovered and was able to  communicate over time.

In case of any relapse, Dr. Kim kept his side for eight hours until the plane arrived at Incheon International Airport.
As this became known, the Korean Air Aviation Medical Center delivered a souvenir with a letter to Mr. Kim expressing his appreciation for his prompt medical assistance.

Kim said, "I felt rewarded to be able to help the patient in the cabin after returning from vacation."

Original article written by Jung Hwe Jin
Published by Incheon Ilbo on 2019 Jul 26


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